Easy-to-Read Let it Be Chords - Moosiko

Let it Be chords by The Beatles in the key of G

Click here to view the full song on Moosiko


Chord & Song Sheet Stats

  • Key: G
  • Chords: G, D, Em, C
  • Chord Transitions: 5
  • Chord Progressions: 2

What is Moosiko?

Moosiko is an online guitar learning platform that helps you learn the first part of your favorite song in just 30 minutes. Just pick your favorite song, like Let it Be, and follow our step-by-step instructions to learn new songs and new skills.

We have over 350 guitar and ukulele song lessons to learn chords, transitions, progressions, strumming patterns, and melodies. Our lessons span 70 years and exits for dozens of genres from classic rock to country to hip hop, and more. 

Click here to signup and starting learning guitar and ukulele!

How does Moosiko Work?

Using our patented step-by-step practice methodology, we focus on getting students to play immediately with songs they love. As students learn songs, we track their skills along the way so they can see how much you’ve learned and how far you have to go.

Our personalized learning algorithm automatically suggests songs you should learn next based on the skills you know and your personal music preference.